Oh, what a Monday!. I shot a morning wedding yesterday. The couple was super nice, very laid back and a real joy to work for, but dang that threw off my Sunday. Surprise… I am a night owl! Midnight is usually the earliest that I go to bed. What does that mean to you morning people? It means there is only one- “6” in each day and it is not 6:00 am. But yesterday required a 6am alarm and be out of the house by 7:00 am. It was tough as I did not have time to consume my…
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Upon our arrival in Charleston we discovered that there were a couple Indian restaurants that were decent but after living in Chicago that had a huge and thriving Indian food scene (I miss you Devon Ave.), decent just did not cut it. Fortunately we have friends that loved to cook Indian. One of our friends used to live in Sri Lanka and she really got this all going. While the group is transitioned my sister’s and I still bring a group together a couple times a year. I am always assigned an appetizer and the first time I made…
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